As we prepare to leave Northern Virginia with its full set of 4 seasons and head to the desert for 2 years, the dust is starting to settle in one way - but in another, it is just picking up. We are winding down on the out of town family and friend visits as our departure date nears, but the pack out organizing has yet to begin.
Instead of doing that, I am spending my time doing this - setting up a blog...I guess its time to admit that practical prioritizing isn't one of my strengths! But how do you start to 'pack' when you aren't allowed to 'pack'?! What I mean is that I need to organize the whole house based on where it will go: on the plane with us, in our small shipment that is very limited by size and weight and arrives in 2-3 weeks, into the shipping containers going by actual ship that take 2-3 months, or into storage. (Keep in mind that these timelines are hopeful, or Inshallah - Arabic for "God willing", as my husband has quaintly added to our vocabulary in preparation for, well, pretty much everything involved in this whole process!)
See, if we 'pack' it, it can't be insured. I just have to have the house organized so that 5 men can come in and all at once start packing everything in sight while I try to note what went into each box so I can know where things are when the time comes to unpack. So, while I should be using my days off to get ready on this real stuff that needs to be done, I am paralyzed and don't know where to begin and instead head to Target and the mall for things like carry-on bags for the kids in their favorite purple and TMNT prints and to a Stella & Dot party at a friend's...all of these things are really priorities, just not necessarily in the priority order that I choose to do them, lol...
As I said, I'm not good practical prioritizing, people!